Claudia POP, Ciprian TUTU - Feedback acustic la o voce profesionista (partea a II-a) / Acoustic feedback in a professional voice (part II) |
Rezumat The vocal abuse is a generating cause of illness the voice. To prevent this phenomenon we suggest to educate the spoken voice and to place it in areas of resonance of the vocal apparatus so that, between spoken voice and singing voice to exist not dissociation. Through acoustic feedback in a professional voice, we can demonstrate the similar existence of formants and share formants in speech and in singing, which leads to the effect of undissociated between spoken and sung voice, to achieve a healthy voice and vocal longevity.
Spoken voice, sung voice, vocal technique, formants, spectrogram, share formants, effect of undissociated between spoken and sung voice. |
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ABSTRACT The vocal abuse is a generating cause of voice illness. To prevent this phenomenon we suggest to educate the spoken voice and to place it in areas of resonance of the vocal apparatus, so that no dissociation between spoken and singing voice does exist. Through the acoustic feedback in a professional voice we can demonstrate the similar existence of formants and share formants in speech and in singing, which leads to the effect of non-dissociation between spoken and singing voice, with the view to achieve a healthy voice and a vocal longevity
Key words Spoken voice, singing voice, vocal technique, formants, spectrogram, share formants, effect of non-dissociation between spoken and singing voice |
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