Erik YUNG - Auralbook, software pentru educaţie şi evaluare auditivă


Auralbook reprezintă un instrument de iniţiere şi educare a deprinderilor auditive conceput pe niveluri diferite de abordare, constituind o resursă electronică interactivă. Programul fost apreciat în diferite țări, devenind un soft recunoscut în diverse sisteme de educație de pe mapamond. A primit următoarele distincții: Grand Award Winner - Asia Pacific ICT Award, Gold Award Winner - Asia Smartphone App Contest, Gold Award Winner - Hong Kong ICT Award,  Creativity and Innovation Award Winner - HK Awards for Industries.

Cuvinte cheie

soft, educație auditivă, computer, telefonie mobilă, interactiv



Auralbook is an initiation tool used to educate and train the aural skills. It was designed on different levels of approach and is an interactive electronic music book. This software was appreciated in many countries as it became acknowledged in the education systems worldwide. Auralbook was awarded the following distinctions: Grand Award Winner - Asia Pacific ICT Award, Gold Award Winner - Asia Smartphone App Contest, Gold Award Winner - Hong Kong ICT Award, Creativity and Innovation Award Winner - HK Awards for Industries.


Key words

software, aural training, computer, mobile phone, interactive

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