Ulla LEVENS - „Restricțiile - provocare pentru artiști” – Proiectul muzical coregrafic online - DISDANCE / “Restrictions as a Challenge for Artists”- The Online Music-Dance-Project DISDANCE


In this context the music pedagogue and musician Ulla Levens describes a digital art project caused by the possibilities of online networking and at the same time by the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital networking supported by the software ZOOM.US. helps to perform together with actors who are geographically separated from each other and gives joy to every person who is involved in the artistic generation process. The cooperation with the dancer Nicoleta Demian from the ANMGD Cluj-Napoca and the ensemble TonArt from Hamburg/Germany, a music group who have been playing together live for a long time, led to the video performance DISDANCE, which was a very interesting and fruitful experience for all the participating artists. This article has been written for music students, performing artists and music teachers as well. For a better understanding of the technical support by the software ZOOM.US we recommend reading


Restrictions, COVID-19 pandemic, digital network, ZOOM.US, online-improvisation, TonArt Ensemble Hamburg, the dancer Nicoleta Demian, dance and music performance



În acest context, Ulla Levens, profesoară de muzică și muzician, descrie un proiect de artă digitală care a luat naștere datorită posibilităților de conectare online oferite de rețeaua de internet și, în același timp, de restricțiile impuse de pandemia COVID-19. Conectarea prin intermediul dispozitivelor digitale pe platforma ZOOM.US. ajută artiști care sunt separați din punct de vedere geografic să conlucreze, oferind bucurie fiecărei persoane implicate în procesul de creație artistică. Cooperarea cu balerina Nicoleta Demian de la ANMGD Cluj-Napoca și cu ansamblul TonArt din Hamburg/Germania, un grup muzical care lucrează împreună de mult timp, a condus spre performance-ul video DISDANCE, care s-a dovedit o experiență foarte interesantă și fructuoasă pentru toți artiștii implicați. Acest articol a fost scris pentru studenți și elevi care studiază muzica, artiști interpreți și, totodată, pentru profesori de muzică. Pentru o mai bună înțelegere a asistenței tehnice oferite de platforma ZOOM.US, vă recomandăm să citiți în continuare  


Cuvinte cheie

Restricții, COVID-19 pandemie, rețea digitală, ZOOM.US, improvizație online, ansamblul TonArt Hamburg, balerina Nicoleta Demian, spectacol de muzică și dans

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In this context the music pedagogue and musician Ulla Levens describes a digital art project caused by the possibilities of online networking and at the same time by the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital networking supported by the software ZOOM.US. helps to perform together with actors who are geographically separated from each other and gives joy to every person who is involved in the artistic generation process. The cooperation with the dancer Nicoleta Demian from the ANMGD Cluj-Napoca and the ensemble TonArt from Hamburg/Germany, a music group who have been playing together live for a long time, led to the video performance DISDANCE, which was a very interesting and fruitful experience for all the participating artists. This article has been written for music students, performing artists and music teachers as well. For a better understanding of the technical support by the software ZOOM.US we recommend reading
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